Sorry for the lack of updates this week. I've been full swing with report writing.
This week's updates:
- Elliot, Everard and Everett have been added to the 1911 Census Name Combos.
- I've added a bibliography page which I will be updating (and adding links to older posts) when I can.
- I also finally got round to writing an About page.
Coming soon:
- Next week I'll be taking a look at my ultimate name love: Welsh names. Or, at least, I'll restrain myself to looking at the modern coinages.
- I'll also be diving in to the data from the turn of the last century to see to what extent we have come full circle.
Beyond BBN this week:
- I had some name joy yesterday when my sister sent me a great link to a genealogy site. She had been busy googling her name (time to kill?...not that I'm jealous...) and found a namesake from the eighteenth century in Massachusetts. Our surname originates from Norfolk, which is highly appropriate because my father is a born-and-bread Norfolk man, but there are more people with the name in the US and Canada than here in Britain. The site details the complex genealogy of the founding families in Barnstable, Massachusetts and I was in heaven seeing so many biblical, virtue and classical names in one place.
Some of my favourites included: Antipas, Bliss, Blossom, Emery, Melatiah, Zacheus, Zenas, Deliverance, Experience, Freelove, Hopestill, Huldah, Reliance, Remember, Thankful. I never realised it before, but I think I'm a closet virtue name fan. - Speculation is rife about what Natalie Portman has named her son.
- And there are also Australian celebs who are coining fabulous sibsets. I just love Mila and Zara together.
- Despite the obvious connections to Les Miserable, I think Eponine has a lot of potential.