Last week I selected a few plant genera beginning with the letter A that had the potential to be used as first name. This week it's time to move on to B and C.
I have selected a few plant genera beginning with the letters B and C, along with any of their interesting species names, that I think could have potential use as a name choice.
Plants names:
A I B to C I D to F I G to J I K to M I N to O I P I R to S I T to V I W to Z
Baptisia - A herbaceous plant, derived from the Greek bapto 'to dip, to dye' as some species yield dyers tinctures.
Begonia - Named after the French botanist Michel Bégon. Some species include Evansiana, after Evans, and Rex, meaning "king" in Latin.
Bellis - This is the official name for the daisy, believed to be derived from the Latin bellus "pretty, handsome". The name daisy, itself, derives from the Anglo-Saxon daeges eage "days eye".
Benthamia- Named after George Bentham, a British botanist. Cinnabarina and Elata are two species.
Bessera - Herbaceous flowering plants named after Austrian-born botanist Wilibald Swibert Joseph Gottlieb von Besser.
Calandrinia - Named after Swiss botanist Jean Louis Calandrini.
Calanthe - A type of orchid derived from the Greek kalos "beautiful" and anthos "flower".
Calathea - A tropical leaved plant whose name derives from the Greek kalathos "basket" referring to its traditional use of holding small items. Its species include Bella, Libbyana, Louisae and Zebrina.
Calendula - From the Latin calendae meaning "first day of the month", possibly due to the fact that it flowers throughout the year.
Calliandra - From the Greek kalos "beautiful" and andros "stamen."
Callistemon - Derived from the Greek kallistos "most beautiful" and stemon "a stamen" in reference to the plants' brightly coloured stamens.
Callistephus - Part of the Asteraceae (aster, daisy or sunflower family) which derives from the Greek kallistos "most beautiful" and stephanos "a crown".
Camassia - Derived from Quamash, the North American name for the plant. Commonly known as Indian Hyacinth or Wild Hyacinth.
Camellia - Flowering evergreen shrubs, named for George Joseph Kemel. Thea and Theifera are two of its "Tea Plant" species.
Canna - Tropical plants derived from the Latin name for a cane or reed.
Cassinia- Another of the Asteraceae family, named for the French botanist Alexandre de Cassini.
Cedrus - From the Ancient greek name for the Cedar tree; some suggest it ultimately derives from the river Kedron in Judea. Deodara, from the Sanskrit devadāru, which means "wood of the gods", and Libani "from Lebannon" are two species. Cedronella is another genus derived from the same etymological route.
Celosia - A flowering plant derived from the Greek kelos "burnt" referring to the flame-like heads of the flowers. Cristata "crested" is one of its species.
Charieis - The Greek word meaning "graceful, elegant."
Clematis - From the Greek klema "vine", alluding to the vine-like climbing habit.
Cleome - A tropical plant of uncertain origin but possibly from the Greek kleos "glory". It makes an interesting alternative to Chloe and Naomi. Cleomella is a related genus.
Corydalis - From the Greek korydalis "a crested lark", alluding to the shape of the petals.
Some names of genera that were already (non-nature) first names include: Calypso, Cassandra, Cassia, Cassiope and Chara.