Arguably one of the most iconic and successful series of novels of the past decade, J.K.Rowling's Harry Potter books have been intriguing and influential in many ways -- not least with the names she chose for her characters. Hermione, for example, has been placed firmly back into public consciousness since the books' publication.
Selecting from a range of sources including ancient mythology, astronomy, medieval annals and surnames, as well as contemporary popular British names, Rowling compiled a quirky range of magical names that create a rich image of the wizarding world -- and even coined a few of her own based on appropriate etymology. The "Wizarding" family trees are fascinating for their names alone. Rosalind Antigone, Scorpius Hyperion and Phineas Nigellus are just a few name combos that show Rowling's idea of wizarding parents' style, and it should be noted that when Ron took the alias name Dragomir, no one in the wizarding world considered it unusual.
It's fair to say that Rowling is a name nerd.
The list below is not an attempt to list every name mentioned in the works of JKR. Harry, Euan, Lily, Emma and Gabrielle are not so "Potterised" to be included in the list. Instead I've excluded Top 300 choices, leaving more room for the extraordinary.
Aberforth Abraxas Alberic Albus Alphard Ambrosius Amos Amycus Antioch Antonin Arcturus Arcus Argus Arkie Armando Arsenius Artemius Augustus Balfour Barberus Barnabas Bartemius "Barty" Baruffio Basil Bastien Beaumont Bertram Bilius Blaise Blodwyn Brevis Broderick Cadmus Cadogan Caradoc Caratacus Caspar Cedric Chavelle Ciceron Cormac Cornelius Crispin
Cuthbert Cygnus Cyprian Damocles Dedalus Donoghan Dragomir Dudley Edgar Egbert Elphias Emeric Ethelred Everard Fabian Fabius Falco Felix Flavius Florean Gawain Gideon Gilderoy Glanmore Godric Heathcote Hector Herbert Hippocrates Humphrey Idris Ignotus Igor Inigo Ivor Kirley Lancelot Lennox Libatius Lorcan Lucian Ludovic "Ludo" Malcolm |
Marius Marvolo Mordicus Morfin Mundungus Mungo Myron Odo Olaf Orion Orsino Oswald Otto Percival Peregrine Philbert Phineas Pierre Pollux Quentin Quirinus Rabastan Ragmar Randolph Reginald Regulus Remus Roderick Rubeus Rudolf Rufus Rupert Salazar Severus Sirius Ted "Teddy" Thaddeus Thorfinn Vasily Vernon Viktor Wilbert Xenophilius
Agatha Alecto Altheda Amata Andromeda Angelina Apolline Arabella Araminta Ariana Artemisia Asha Astoria Augusta Aurora Bathilda Bathsheda Beatrix Bellatrix Belvina Callidora Cassandra Cassiopeia Catriona Cedrella Celestina Charity Charis Cho Cliodna Daphne Demelza Dilys Dorea Druella Dymphna Elfrida Elladora Emmeline Fifi Fleur Galatea Ginevra "Ginny" |
Glenda Glynnis Greta Griselda Grizel Gwenog Helena Helga Hepzibah Hermione Hesper Hestia Hetty Honoria Ignatia Indira Jocunda Joscelind Kendra Laurentia Lavender Leopoldina Lucretia Luna Lycoris Lysandra Mafalda Magenta Marietta Melania Melinda Merope Millicent Minerva Miranda Mnemone Modesty Musidora Myrtle Narcissa Nymphadora Olive Olympe |
Padma Pansy Parvati Perenelle Perpetua Petunia Phyllida Pomona Romilda Rowena Sacharissa Sendelina Septima Sibyll Ursula Verity Victoire Violetta Wakanda Walburga Wilda Wilhemina Zamira |