The Celtic version of Funky-Clunkies. Stuffy-but-sweet or crusty-but-edgy, these names may not be popular or trendy, but they do embody an interesting mix of quirkiness and refinement.
Some of the names below are "proper" Funky-Clunkies, having been popular once but subsequently fell off the map. Others on the list have never seen much usage, but they have been selected because they fit the Funky-Clunky style.
The names below encompass Irish, Scottish, Welsh, Manx, Cornish and Breton. Anglicised spellings are in brackets.
Aneirin Argant Arwel Atholl Barrie Brynmor Cadogan Cadwaladr Caradoc Casworan Colwyn Corentin Cubert Denzil Desmond Dewi Diarmait (Dermot) Digory Domnall |
Donald Doolish Dougal Eamonn Einion Eirian Elwyn Emlyn Emrys Enyon Erwan Eurig Fergal Fergus Fingal Finnbarr Fintan Flannan Gilander |
Gillagan Gilmartin Gilmore Goronwy Hamish Hywel Idris Iorwerth Islwyn Ivor Judicael Maredudd Meriadoc Muiredach (Murdoch) Oisin Osian Pasco Pheric Taliesin |
Aeronwy Angharad Arianwen Betrys Betsan Bidelia Blodwen Branwen Brengain Bronnen Ceinwen Ceridwen Conwenna Crewenna Dáiríne (Darina) Deirdre Demelza Derowen Dilys |
Dymphna Ealisaid Eileen Elspeth Eubonia Ewella Fidelma Finnuala Gladys Glenys Glynis Grainne (Grania) Gwendolen Gwenfrewi Gwenhwyfar Gweniver Gwenllian Gwenlowen Gwennol |
Gwyneth Lamorna Marged Melangell Melyonen Metheven Moirrey Morag Morgelyn Morenwyn Morvoren Morwenna Myfanwy Olwen Rhianwen Rhonwen Rosenwyn Sowenna Tegwen |
For pronunciation of these names check the Pronunciation Guide.