As requested by Emily, below is a selection of British siblings containing Erastus, from the last century to modern times. The year relates to the decade of birth for the Erastus in that set.
Edwin Andrew Ellen Penelope Reuben Catherine Augusta Archibald Frederick Erastus
Rufus Isaiah Erastus
Marantha Althira Erastus Mary Jane Eber
John Matthew Glaud Roger Charles Alonzo Erastus
Erastus Ann Tom Steward Arthur Fairfax (b) Mary William Jane
William Henry Mary Ann Isabella Sarah Erastus John Margaret David Augusta Angelina Simon Eliza Rhoda Albert Samuel
Thurston George Hedley John Roadley Hobson Annie Glenawyn Erastus William James Harold
Caroline Elizabeth Erastus John Thomas Mary Ellen Dorothy Alphonsus Clifford Emily
Violet Letitia Erastus Hubert Richard Redvers
Norah V Erastus H Winifred Barabara
Agnes I Elizabeth J Erastus C Harry E Henry L Eileen Sheila M
Joshua James Lewis Erastus Bethany Erica
James Omondi Leon Erastus