Take a moment to think about it, and tree inspired first names are actually more common than you might have first thought. Certainly, Hazel, Myrtle and Olive are well established tree-names-turned-first-names that became big hits back in the 19th century, and roll on through the 20th century and several other gems, such as Holly, Laurel, Linden, Rowan and Willow, were added their ranks.
In recent years, more and more trees have been creaping into children's names: from the fruity Apple and Cherry, or almost-familiar Cassia, Maple and Alden. Keep a look out -- you may be seeing many more in years to come.
Listed below is a selection of common and scientific names for trees.
Acacia Acer Albizia Alder Annona Apple Apricot Aralia Areca Argan Arolla Ash Aspen Balsam Banyan Bay |
Bayberry Beech Betula Birch Carya Cassia Cedar Cercis Cherry Cinnamon Clementine Copper Cordyline Cypress Douglas Durio |
Ebony Elm Evodia Fir Fern Fraser Halesia Hawthorn Hazel Hickory Holly Jacaranda Jamun Jeffrey Juneberry Juniper |
Kahikatea Karri Kauri Larch Laurel Lemon Linden Maclura Magnolia Mahogany Maple Mulberry Myrica Myrtle Nyssa Oak |
Olea Oleaster Olive Palmyra Peach Pear Persea Persimmon Pine Pistacia Plum Pyrus Quince Redbud Rhus Robinia
Rowan Senna Sequoia Silverbell Snowbell Spruce Tara Teak Thorn Tilia Tulip Tupelo Willow Winterberry Yew Zelkova |