All names are words. Or, at least, they were once, even if the language they were used in is now extinct. That, after all, is the whole basis of etymology: to follow the route of a name or word back to its original form and meaning. Stella, Seren and Estelle mean "star," Noah means "motion," Saulė means "sun," (we could go on and on...) Even several English vocabulary words have had centuries of use, particularly the virtue words, and names of plants.
The same premise could work in reverse, though doesn't in practice. All names are words, but not all words are names. Parents might just as easily look to a dictionary for inspiration, as a name book, and that is precisely what some intrepid parents do. Which brings us to this list.
The names selected below are all English vocabulary words that, while not at all commonly used, have all seen some usage as first names in Britain. (I haven't simply flipped through a dictionary for this one, I promise!)
Amazing Bijou Blaze Blessing Bliss Blizzard Bright Cadence Celestial Charisma Cherish Chiffon Cloud Cosmos Darling Dream Eclipse Ember Enigma Equinox Eternity Evening |
Fable Fancy Favour Feather Fortune Galaxy Gift Given Glow Golden Goodness Halo Happy Harmony Haven Heart Holy Humble January Judge Justice King |
Lady Legend Litany Lord Loyalty Lucky Luxury Lyric Maverick Memory Merit Midnight Miracle Monday Moonbeam Moonlight Morning Noble November Ocean October Paradice |
Peace Petal Praise Precious Pretty Pixie Prince Princess Promise Poem Purity Queen Quest Rain Rainbow Rejoiced Reverent Rhapsody Rogue Romance Season September |
Serene Shadow Silky Silver Snow Snowflake Solace Solstice Sonnet Sparkle Starburst Starlight Storm Story Sunday Sunrise Sunset Sunshine Supreme Symphony Tempest Testimony |
Thistle Thursday Truly Truth Tuesday Twilight Twinkle Unique Valiant Valour Velvet Victorious Victory Wave Weather Wednesday Whisper Winner Winsome Wisdom Wish Wonderful |