Long Lost Rarities are names that were not very common in their time and have since fallen completely off the map. Some were borne by obscure legendary saints, while others have been preserved as a brief mention in administrative documents. Familiar, they are not. But they can claim to be bold, enigmatic, mysterious...and most definitely a conversation starter.
In discussions on names, I've often heard "unique" used synonymously with "invented." Sometimes this is invariably the case, but there are a great many unused names that have a mythology, etymology or history surrounding them.
If you are looking for a 'unique' name, routed in history and etymology, this could be just the list for you. The selection below have not been registered more than once on the official birth indexes in the last century in Britain.
Adalger Adestan Aelod Agilbert Aistan Alcmund Aldelin Alfstan Beollan Berdic Bosker Bosten Brinstan Cadfrod Carantock Ceidio Ceolwolf Clether Clydri |
Costelin Crallo Cungar Cyndeyrn Cyngar Decuman Deorstan Edulf Evrold Fredmund Geroldin Givold Grucan Hasten Heldric Ioco Jaenbert Kenting Landric |
Ledric Ludric Manwin Nectan Ocsen Othin Ravelin Rozo Sanctan Selevan Sperling Sperun Theodard Thorbert Tunnoc Turville Tysilio Wistan Worbald |
Admiranda Afrella Aileva Aldusa Alviva Amicabilis Amphelisia Aveza Belisent Bencelina Buriana Clariandra Cywa Dametta Edild Elysant Endelyn Engelieth Estrild
Gisla Godesa Helmith Hendina Hereswith Imagantia Imedia Jolicia Keyncara Lecenta Lefleda Legarda Liveva Mazelina Menfreda Merewen Merild Odelina Odierna |
Orabel Oriolda Pavie Rametta Sabelina Salerna Sativola Sedemai Sefare Sely Tathana Thaney Thetha Tiecia Topacia Velvela Weluela Ynstauncia Ysoria