The Gothic revival (otherwise known as Neo-Gothic or Gothic Victorian) was one of the foremost trends of the Victorian era. Their love of medieval, classical and biblical myths and legends — coupled with the romance of the Pre-Raphaelites, gothic literature (Romanticism), great strides in archaelogy and even a fascination with magic and the occult — permeated into all aspects of Victorian life, from architecture to clothing and most certainly names.
Ladies' magazine of the mid-century saw a flurry of heroines bearing names such as Glaphyra, Zemira, Adelgitha and Orinda, and you only need to look at my Finds from... series to find the influence of this gothic trend in lavish names such as Garton Crucifix, Mordaunt Lionel, Wolf Ezekiel, Desolata, Claranda Melvina Georgina and Grecia Horatia.
This list sits in the same vein as the Upright Elegance list, but with a bit more drama, mysticism and evocation of the ancients.
All of the names below were used in the Victorian era as genuine given names (and in more than one instance).
Achilles Aeneas Albany Albion Almeric Alpheus Andronicus Amadeus Amias Amraphel Aquilla Archelaus Arphaxad Artemas Aurelian Balthazar Barnabas Bartleby Beresford Cadwallader Casimir Caspar Cassander Cephas Cornelius Courtenay Cyprian |
Cyrillus Darius Demosthenes Devereux Dryden Edric Ethelbert Eusebius Everard Ferdinand Galenus Granville Hamlet Hercules Ignatius Isambard Justinian Lancelot Lapidoth Lazarus Leoline Leonidas Marsena Melancthon Melbourne Montmorency Mortimer |
Mycroft Nehemias Octavius Orestes Pharoah Philemon Philetus Prospero Ptolomy Ranulphus Swithin Sylvester Tarquin Taliesin Theoderic Theophilus Tresillian Trevelyan Ulric Vane Vitruvius Voltaire Vyvyan Wolfgang Wolstan Xenophon Xerxes |
Adamantine Adeliza Alcesta Ambrosina Anchoretta Andromeda Aramantha Artemisia Asenath Aspasia Bathsheba Bellamira Bellicent Belvidera Boadicea Brilliana Castilla Celestia Clarimond Cleopatra Constantia Crescentia Deidamia Delilah Demetria Desdemona Dorinda |
Drusilla Emerentiana Esmeralda Esperanza Etheldreda Ethelfleda Eurania Eusebia Everalda Euphrosyne Hesper(ia) Hortensia Isidora Isoline Laodamia Lucretia Lucrezia Lusitania Lystra Marcellina Medea Medora Melusina Melvina Milborough Minerva Morforwyn |
Morgana Morrigan Morwenna Narcissa Pandora Petronilla Philadelphia Rowena Semiramis Sophronia Syndonia Theodocia Theodorine Theophania Tryphena Tryphosa Ursuline Vashti Vesperina Victorine Violetta Xantippe Ximena Zenobia Zetilla Zilla Zuleika |