Below are a selection of birth announcements from The Times newspaper that were published in 1987.
I have also added siblings names (older and younger) where I have found them.
Adrian Kendrick Francis Angus John Melville (Iona & Hamish) Archibald Edward Charles Aristide Eduard Ferdinand (Raoul Hubert Leslie) Asher Lucas Harrison Augustus Francis Barnabus Graham John Benedict Lorcan Frederick Benedikt Oliver Nicolai Edward Blaine Stuart Hunter Blaise Isambard Robert Calvin Winston (Emma Roxane) Carl Fredrik Daniel Peterson Cedric Matthew Christian (Anthony Christian) Cosimo Edward Edward Vivian Fearghas O'Neill Felix Leopold Monteith Fergus Tristram Frederick Desmond Casimir Frederick Tristan Beresford (Charlotte Kathleen Grace) Frederick Owen Lloyd George George Jethro George Kenneth Eric George Sigvald Guy Dominic Hadrian John Arthur (Ellen Mary Frances, Laurence Edward John & Edmund) Harold Henry James Hugo Aelred Ichabod Alfred (Eliza Mary Camilla) James Marcus Xerxes Benario Japhet Wilson Charles Jasper Cyprian (Isobel Noeline & Phoebe Mary) Jasper Jake Rupert Anthony Jethro William Kit Charles Ervin Luther William Maerlin William Alfred Magnus Courtenay Mungo Rory Gregor (Fergus) Noel Clive Pasco Raleigh Thomas Rhodri Idris Atherton (Morgan Rhys & Nia Elisabeth Ruth) Rollo Walter Rory Tobias Rupert Peter Robin Thor William Cameron Timothy Philip Aurelius Tristram Rory Edward (Jemima Sophie Henrietta & Tallulah Daisy Clementine) Vaughan Peter Spencer Veryan John Hugh (Aldwyn George Hugh) Winston Aubrey Aladar (aka Winston Marshall of Mumford & Sons)
Afonwy Mary Angharad (Huw John Glyndwr) Alessandra Lydia Maria (Alicia Danielle Elizabeth, Julian Joseph Anthony & Sebastian Alexander Bradley) Anastasia Cicely Diana (Christopher George Cyril & Bethany Rose Isolde) Antonella Maria Caroline (Genevra Harriet Ilona) Arabella Dione Rose (Frederick William Patrick, Katharine Cicely Florence & Sophia Isobel Lucy) Asia Patricia (Benita, Noelle & Ella) Atlanta Victoria (Oliver) Auriol Louise (Elizabeth Mida) Benedicta Josephine (Iskander Luke, Michaela Beatrice, Xavier Axel, StJohn Olaf, Caius Hugh, Marcus Edmund & Astrid Capucine Octavia) Byzantia (Venetia) Celtie Marie Clementine Margaret Allegra (Iona Alice Eliza) Cleopatra Elisabeth (Francesca Victoria) Cordelia Grania Jacqueline (Rebecca Josephine Deirdre, Victoria Gray, Hugo Nigel Gough & Elizabeth Diana Coslett) Daisy Bethan Florence (Harry Edward William) Delphi May (Daniel Patrick) Dido Margaret Dorothy Xanthe (Hannah Magdalen, Elsa Mary & Lily Alexandra) Effie Monica Ann (Alasdhair Horatio Francis Ross) Elinor Zaida Elizabeth (Claire Alexandra Helen, Ann Caroline Frances & Henry Tristan Garrett) Emily Elizabeth Elonwyn Euthymia Constance Sophia Fionnuala Helga (Lachlan James & Ruairi Anthony) Fleur Annabel Flora Roselle (Edwina Clare) Florentina Abigail Courtenay (Hannah Phelisstie Candase & Eloisa Marietta Katy) Genevieve Maaike & Keridwen Patricia (twins) Georgiana Clarita Alice (Francesca Camilla Louise & Miranda Harriet Urquhart) Grace Cristabel Alice Hermione Caroline Madeleine Ione Marina Daniella Josephine Astrid Leonora Eliana Margaret (Benjamin Alexis Solomon Eli) Lois Jonquil Olivia Lucy Lavinia Primrose (Alys Alicia Primrose) Marie Clemency Beatrice Mathilda Cerys Rose (Georgia Edwina Daisy & Lily Phoebe Gwyneth) Misty Sula Movana Alice Spence (Milo Robert Annesley) Paloma Ruth Pandora Jane (Clementine Ann & Henrietta Lucy) * Perdita Drusilla Phyllida Meriel Joanna (Helena Clair Alexandra) Pia Elise Jasmine (Toby Giles Moreland) Pollyanna Sue (Natasha Caroline) Poppy Clementine Romany Victoria Penelope Rosamund Ileana (Lucy Edita & Edmund Gabriel) Rosanna Thea Rowena Helen (Frances Henrietta) Tabitha Lucy (Francesca Alice) Tamsin Alexandra (Christabel & India Annabel) Tessa Viveca Thomasina Olivia Trelawney Unity Emily (Frederick Ivan Rundell) Venetia Helene (Imogen Louise) Victoria Gwendoline Virginia Zara Jane Lamorna Zenobe Venetia
* In total, 3 girls named Pandora Jane had their births announced in The Times in 1987. There was also one Pandora Charlotte.