A round-up of names from birth announcements announced in British newspapers in the last week.
Sources include a national paper (The Telegraph) and a broad range of local newspapers from across England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Sibling names are in brackets.
Alfie Peter (Martha Daisy)
Archie Edward
Bobi Gwyn
Brogan David
Chad-Xander Edward
Ché Michael
Daniel Jack (Samuel "Sam", Bethany "Beth" & Jemimah Faith)
Ernie Keith (Olivia & Stanley Drew)
George Albert
Harley Thomas (Jenson James & Scarlett Jane)
Harry Mitchell (Jordan, Ben, Kerah Louise & Jack Harvey)
Innes Michael
James Benjamin George (Ione Grace & Matilda Sophie "Tilly")
Joseph Christopher (Phoebe Rose)
Lennon James
Leo James David (Matilda Rose)
Matthew George (Keeley & Lewis Michael)
Oliver Andrew Robin
Oliver George (Ebony Beatrice)
Oscar James
Robert Alexander
Rory Alistair Brookes
Rupin Sundaram Munro (Hari)
Ryan David (Megan Lucy)
Theo Scott
Thomas Jacob
Tristan Colin Charles (Cerys)
Alexa Rose (Fergus Michael & Martha Amelia)
Alice Elizabeth
Amelia Charlotte Grace
Amelia Grace
Amelia Ruby (Phoebe & Olivia)
Anna Shona (Archie MacLeod)
Arabella Rose (Freddie Joseph)
Ava Jane
Florence Grace (Thomas)
Greta Siun
Hannah Rose (Ruby Leah)
Harriet Grace
Harriet Mary
Hollie Lorraine (Lauren)
Indie B (Shaye)
Lola Grace
Mafalda Beatrix Maria
Matilda Anne
Melody-May (Kelise)
Mima Love (Beba Maud & Tate Reva)
Naomi Jean (Kirsty & James)
Octavia Florence Stirling
Samantha Rose
Sienna Rose
Summer Anne
Adam & Joseph
Aila Patricia & Fia Helen (Archie Derek James)
James & Iona (Rory)