Vaila is the name of a small island in Shetland which is seeing modest yet increasing use in Scotland. [You can read more about it here]. It's one of the names that keeps popping up on my radar -- I just think it's so pretty and usable! Why hasn't the wider world got on board yet?
Vaila was first registered in the Statutory Registers in Scotland (starting from 1855) in 1890 for a girl named Alice Vaila Wilson. She was followed by Vaila Andrew in 1904 and Isabella Vaila Sutherland in 1905.
It was then only registered a further 20 times up until 1960s but saw much more of an increase from the 1980s onwards. Of the 155 girls to be given the name in Scotland from 1855-2017, most have been registered in Shetland itself.
Below are all the first name combinations for Vaila, registered from 1855 to 2017 in Scotland*:
Vaila Ada Vaila Agnes Vaila Alexa Vaila Alexandra Vaila Alice Vaila Ann(e) Vaila April Vaila Beth Vaila Caitlin Vaila Cariad Vaila Catherine Vaila Charlotte Vaila Christina Vaila Christine Vaila Cicely Vaila Claire Vaila Delphine Vaila Elizabeth |
Vaila Ellen Vaila Emily Vaila Erin Vaila Eve Vaila Fiona Vaila Frances Vaila Frankie Vaila Grace Vaila Helen Elizabeth Vaila Imogen Vaila Isabelle Vaila Isobel Vaila Izobel Z. Vaila James Vaila Jane Vaila Janet Vaila Janette Vaila Jayne |
Vaila Jeanne Vaila Jennifer Vaila Jess Vaila Johan Vaila Joy Eva Vaila Joyce (San...) Vaila Judith Vaila Karin Vaila Kate Vaila Lauren Vaila Libby Vaila Lisa Vaila Louise Vaila Lucia Vaila Mae Vaila Margaret Vaila Marie Vaila Mary |
Vaila Mary Ellen Vaila Matilda Vaila Maureen Vaila Merida Vaila Mhairi Vaila Orla Vaila Patricia Vaila Rhona Vaila Rose Vaila Rose Catherine Vaila Ruth Vaila Sheila (Ca...) Vaila Susanna Vaila Susanne/Suzanne Vaila Victoria |
* Some combos were used multiple times.
** I have excluded combos where the middle names were surnames.
From 1916-2007, Vaila has only had a small handful of registrations (fewer than 30) in England and Wales. These include:
Vaila Caroline
Vaila Charlotte
Vaila Elinor
Vaila Elizabeth
Vaila Josephine
Vaila Mary
Vaila Rose