Hello all,
I haven't been around much recently. Two weeks ago my son made his way into the world via emergency caesarean -- ten weeks before his due date and weighing just over one kilogram.
To say that it was a shock is an understatement and has involved a prolonged hospital stay for me as well. I am so fortunate to be able to say that, despite his dramatic entrance, little William Brian Kenneth "Will" is doing remarkably well so far in the NICU and making tiny steps of progress every day.
As you can imagine, my life at the moment has completely turned upside down and I am still trying to navigate parenthood with a premie baby.
I am certainly not abandoning this blog -- I will do bits that I can when given opportunity -- but it might be several weeks before I am back into a rhythm that can incorporate regular writing.
As soon as I get a chance, I will fill you in on the story behind his name and how we arrived at a decision.
Best to you all,