Funky-Clunky perfectly sums up those quirky, borderline names that straddle a divide between "old-fashioned" and "uber-cool". These names certainly are not soft, light or particularly "cute" sounding. Their bold, and somewhat heavy sound, and stuffy image, is precisely what makes them intriguing. Funky-clunkies are like the posh family silver, covered in dust in a box and forgotten about by many people -- but, taken out, polished up, and placed in a new setting they can look remarkably striking.
Celebrities that have used funky-clunkies include Lily Allen (Ethel), Billie Piper (Winston & Eugene), David Mitchell & Victoria Coren Mitchell (Barabara), and Paul Bettany & Jennifer Connelly (Agnes).
These names are not modern or popular as you could describe Maddison or Mason; neither are they long-standing vintage choices such as Sophie or Joshua, nor recent turn-of-the-century revivals such as Stanley or Ivy. They do, however, have the distinction of having bundles of history and weight behind them, giving them a distinguished and dignified charm. They are familiar, but not popular; and with some of their former contemporaries, who sat alongside them in their heyday, sitting at the top of the ranks, these funky-clunkies do have potential to be future hits in decades to come. Daring but trend-setting choices.
This post has been significantly updated in 2022 to reflect the change in fashions. All the names below are below the contemporary top 400 in England and Wales.
Abraham Alban Algernon Alvin Ambrose Amos Archibald Arnold Augustine Augustus Basil Bernard Bertram Boris Bryn Cecil Cedric Clarence Clark Clayton Claude Clement Clifford Clinton Clive Colin Cornelius Cuthbert Cyril Cyrus Digby Donald Dorian Ebenezer Edgar |
Edwin Emrys Eugene Eustace Ferdinand Fergus Florian Franklyn Geoffrey Gerald Gideon Gilbert Giles Godfrey Godwin Gregory Harold Herbert Herman Horace Howard Hubert Humphrey Ivor Jeremy Kenneth Leopold Leslie Lester Lionel Llewelyn Lloyd Lyle Malcolm Marvin |
Maurice Melvin Montague Montgomery Nelson Neville Nigel Noel Norman Octavian Oswald Percival Randolph Raymond Roderick Roland Roger Ronald Roy Rudolf Septimus Simeon Sylvester Terrence Theophilus Trevor Quentin Valentine Vernon Virgil Wallace Walter Wilbert Wilbur Winston |
Agatha Agnes Augusta Araminta Avis Barbara Beryl Bessie Bernadette Betty Blanche Blythe Celia Cecile Christine Clarice Clotilde Cornelia Delia Delyth Dilys Dinah Dorcas Dora Dorothea Dorothy Edna Eileen Elspeth Enid Essie Ethel Eudora Eugenie Euphemia Fanny |
Freda Gertrude Gloria Glynis Greta Gwendolyn Hester Hetty Hilda Honoria Ida Irene Isadora Iva Jacqueline Joyce Judith Kathleen Lavinia Leonora Loretta Lucille Magdalene Marcie Marian Marjorie Mathilde Maude / Maud Mavis Mercy Millicent Minerva Muriel Myrtle Opal Patience |
Patricia Pauline Peggy Phyllida Phyllis Philomena Priscilla Prudence Queenie Rhoda Rita Rosanna Rosemary Rosetta Rosina Rowena Sally Shirley Sybil Sylvia Temperance Theodora Thomasina Thirza Thora Tilda Ursula Valerie Vera Veronica Wendy Wilhelmina Winifred Zelda Zilla Zipporah |