Last year, Scotland's 2021 data had a new feature in its release: a breakdown of names which were the first forenames of at least 50 boys and at least 50 girls births registered in Scotland between 1974 and 2021. This year, NRScotland has gone a step further, breaking down this data into five-year blocks, meaning we can when and if unisex names have swung between genders.
Below is a breakdown of the data provided by NRScotland for 2022. The numbers given are the percentage given to boys compared with the percentage of girls. I have coloured each block the ubiquitous blue/pink for easy scanning for gender breakdown.
Names | 1975-79 | 1980-84 | 1985-89 | 1990-94 | 1995-99 | 2000-04 | 2005-09 | 2010-14 | 2015-19 | 2020-22 |
Alex | 96:4 | 98:2 | 78:22 | 63:37 | 52:48 | 51:49 | 59:41 | 75:25 | 81:19 | 83:17 |
Ali | 100:0 | 94:6 | 100:0 | 93:7 | 87:13 | 92:8 | 88:12 | 92:8 | 94:6 | 97:3 |
Ally | 50:50 | 100:0 | 100:0 | 82:18 | 39:61 | 43:57 | 67:33 | 69:31 | 67:33 | 39:61 |
Ashley | 6:94 | 6:94 | 3:97 | 3:97 | 7:93 | 6:94 | 8:92 | 10:90 | 22:78 | 7:93 |
Ashton | 100:0 | 100:0 | 8:92 | 21:79 | 17:83 | 64:36 | 92:8 | 97:3 | 99:1 | 96:4 |
Avery | — | — | — | — | 100:0 | 67:33 | — | 33:67 | 34:66 | 38:62 |
Bailey | — | — | — | — | 80:20 | 79:21 | 76:24 | 71:29 | 70:30 | 56:44 |
Baillie | — | — | 0:100 | 100:0 | 74:26 | 70:30 | 56:44 | 36:64 | 36:64 | 75:25 |
Beau | — | 100:0 | 100:0 | 100:0 | 100:0 | 42:58 | 51:49 | 33:67 | 41:59 | 74:26 |
Blair | 100:0 | 99:1 | 97:3 | 97:3 | 98:2 | 99:1 | 99:1 | 95:5 | 88:12 | 78:22 |
Blake | — | 100:0 | 100:0 | 97:3 | 97:3 | 100:0 | 100:0 | 94:6 | 84:16 | 79:21 |
Brodie | 88:13 | 67:33 | 77:23 | 63:37 | 70:30 | 73:27 | 79:21 | 95:5 | 97:3 | 100:0 |
Brogan | — | 100:0 | 0:100 | 8:92 | 11:89 | 22:78 | 32:68 | 40:60 | 45:55 | 64:36 |
Brooklyn | — | — | 0:100 | 0:100 | 0:100 | 48:52 | 53:47 | 33:67 | 39:61 | 40:60 |
Cameron | 100:0 | 100:0 | 100:0 | 100:0 | 99:1 | 98:2 | 98:2 | 98:2 | 99:1 | 98:2 |
Casey | 42:58 | 23:77 | 28:72 | 16:84 | 17:83 | 13:87 | 15:85 | 26:74 | 43:57 | 59:41 |
Charley | 100:0 | 0:100 | 0:100 | 8:92 | 6:94 | 4:96 | 8:92 | 7:93 | 10:90 | 0:100 |
Charlie | 100:0 | 50:50 | 59:41 | 60:40 | 71:29 | 63:37 | 85:15 | 92:8 | 94:6 | 96:4 |
Christie | 54:46 | 27:73 | 11:89 | 9:91 | 3:97 | 3:97 | 19:81 | 18:82 | 23:77 | 25:75 |
Christy | 25:75 | 0:100 | 4:96 | 24:76 | 13:87 | 8:92 | 31:69 | 25:75 | 63:38 | 100:0 |
Codi | — | — | — | 0:100 | 14:86 | 8:92 | 24:76 | 62:38 | 74:26 | 88:13 |
Codie | — | — | 100:0 | 20:80 | 5:95 | 13:88 | 30:70 | 61:39 | 77:23 | 80:20 |
Cody | 50:50 | 100:0 | 100:0 | 34:66 | 29:71 | 52:48 | 84:16 | 97:3 | 99:1 | 99:1 |
Corrie | 17:83 | 30:70 | 21:79 | 39:61 | 55:45 | 48:52 | 54:46 | 54:46 | 78:22 | 75:25 |
Dale | 91:9 | 93:7 | 97:3 | 99:1 | 99:1 | 100:0 | 96:4 | 100:0 | 100:0 | 100:0 |
Dara | 0:100 | 0:100 | 0:100 | 20:80 | 17:83 | 39:61 | 40:60 | 72:28 | 59:41 | 83:17 |
Daryl | 92:8 | 98:2 | 95:5 | 90:10 | 90:10 | 95:5 | 99:1 | 94:6 | 94:6 | 100:0 |
Devon | — | 0:100 | 50:50 | 15:85 | 20:80 | 28:72 | 56:44 | 52:48 | 44:56 | 67:33 |
Drew | 100:0 | 100:0 | 99:1 | 100:0 | 90:10 | 79:21 | 83:17 | 87:13 | 82:18 | 64:36 |
Eden | 75:25 | 100:0 | 43:57 | 19:81 | 17:83 | 19:81 | 13:87 | 12:88 | 21:79 | 15:85 |
Ellis | 88:13 | 33:67 | 50:50 | 24:76 | 32:68 | 35:65 | 49:51 | 62:38 | 66:34 | 78:22 |
Frankie | 100:0 | 86:14 | 77:23 | 73:27 | 54:46 | 88:13 | 62:38 | 64:36 | 68:32 | 67:33 |
Harley | — | — | 50:50 | 44:56 | 39:61 | 46:54 | 79:21 | 68:32 | 47:53 | 27:73 |
Harper | — | — | — | — | 50:50 | 100:0 | 54:46 | 16:84 | 2:98 | 2:98 |
Hayden | 100:0 | 100:0 | 100:0 | 100:0 | 100:0 | 97:3 | 87:13 | 81:19 | 89:11 | 90:10 |
Jackie | 26:74 | 27:73 | 33:67 | 41:59 | 38:63 | 77:23 | 89:11 | 100:0 | 0:100 | 100:0 |
Jaime | 22:78 | 45:55 | 42:58 | 32:68 | 32:68 | 27:73 | 15:85 | 24:76 | 8:92 | 17:83 |
Jaimie | 77:23 | 52:48 | 47:53 | 47:53 | 56:44 | 23:77 | 22:78 | 27:73 | 20:80 | 0:100 |
Jamie | 96:4 | 98:2 | 94:6 | 95:5 | 93:7 | 95:5 | 96:4 | 98:2 | 97:3 | 94:6 |
Jan | 18:82 | 14:86 | 26:74 | 27:73 | 61:39 | 70:30 | 98:2 | 100:0 | 100:0 | 100:0 |
Jay | 73:27 | 80:20 | 55:45 | 81:19 | 92:8 | 97:3 | 99:1 | 100:0 | 100:0 | 100:0 |
Jayden | — | — | — | 67:33 | 55:45 | 82:18 | 97:3 | 99:1 | 99:1 | 99:1 |
Jody | 36:64 | 33:67 | 22:78 | 10:90 | 8:92 | 21:79 | 29:71 | 46:54 | 50:50 | — |
Jordan | 97:3 | 98:2 | 93:7 | 90:10 | 93:7 | 88:12 | 92:8 | 98:2 | 100:0 | 99:1 |
Jude | 100:0 | 100:0 | 100:0 | 100:0 | 43:57 | 88:12 | 96:4 | 97:3 | 99:1 | 99:1 |
Kenzie | — | 50:50 | 0:100 | 0:100 | 9:91 | 24:76 | 76:24 | 79:21 | 63:37 | 70:30 |
Laurie | 33:67 | 33:67 | 27:73 | 32:68 | 26:74 | 20:80 | 32:68 | 37:63 | 49:51 | 71:29 |
Lee | 56:44 | 73:27 | 91:9 | 95:5 | 97:3 | 99:1 | 98:2 | 99:1 | 97:3 | 100:0 |
Leigh | 9:91 | 18:82 | 19:81 | 17:83 | 10:90 | 3:97 | 6:94 | 12:88 | 36:64 | 20:80 |
Leslie | 83:17 | 78:22 | 85:15 | 77:23 | 85:15 | 100:0 | 100:0 | 75:25 | 100:0 | — |
Levi | 100:0 | 100:0 | 55:45 | 53:47 | 55:45 | 64:36 | 79:21 | 93:7 | 96:4 | 98:2 |
Lindsay | 14:86 | 6:94 | 4:96 | 5:95 | 6:94 | 5:95 | 19:81 | 38:63 | 0:100 | 0:100 |
Logan | 100:0 | 100:0 | 91:9 | 94:6 | 96:4 | 96:4 | 99:1 | 99:1 | 100:0 | 100:0 |
Mackenzie | — | 0:100 | — | 89:11 | 69:31 | 70:30 | 72:28 | 77:23 | 47:53 | 53:48 |
Marley | — | 0:100 | 40:60 | 50:50 | 16:84 | 55:45 | 52:48 | 39:61 | 31:69 | 38:62 |
Mckenzie | — | — | 100:0 | — | 83:17 | 44:56 | 74:26 | 79:21 | 63:37 | 46:54 |
Morgan | 100:0 | 70:30 | 34:66 | 17:83 | 21:79 | 17:83 | 17:83 | 26:74 | 28:72 | 23:77 |
Niki | 71:29 | 57:43 | 56:44 | 22:78 | 25:75 | 50:50 | 25:75 | 25:75 | 50:50 | 100:0 |
Nikki | 31:69 | 22:78 | 10:90 | 6:94 | 2:98 | 2:98 | 3:97 | 6:94 | 0:100 | — |
Phoenix | — | — | — | — | 67:33 | 44:56 | 59:41 | 72:28 | 76:24 | 79:21 |
Quinn | — | — | 100:0 | 67:33 | 71:29 | 91:9 | 78:22 | 42:58 | 38:62 | 27:73 |
Reagan | 33:67 | 33:67 | 33:67 | 14:86 | 46:54 | 67:33 | 59:41 | 72:28 | 56:44 | 56:44 |
Reese | — | — | — | 100:0 | 54:46 | 36:64 | 35:65 | 52:48 | 8:92 | 10:90 |
Regan | 0:100 | 0:100 | 0:100 | 0:100 | 72:28 | 47:53 | 57:43 | 67:33 | 78:22 | 95:5 |
Remi | 100:0 | — | 100:0 | 25:75 | 0:100 | 25:75 | 18:82 | 50:50 | 9:91 |
11:89 |
Remy | 0:100 | — | 0:100 | 33:67 | 30:70 | 0:100 | 75:25 | 55:45 | 54:46 | 65:35 |
Riley | 50:50 | — | 40:60 | 75:25 | 80:20 | 84:16 | 92:8 | 97:3 | 86:14 | 65:35 |
Rio | — | 0:100 | 100:0 | 15:85 | 27:73 | 58:42 | 88:12 | 96:4 | 91:9 | 93:7 |
River | — | — | — | — | 100:0 | 67:33 | 62:38 | 47:53 | 44:56 | 40:60 |
Robin | 98:2 | 97:3 | 96:4 | 93:7 | 85:15 | 86:14 | 87:13 | 76:24 | 79:21 | 71:29 |
Rowan | 27:73 | 24:76 | 29:71 | 29:71 | 36:64 | 33:67 | 35:65 | 38:62 | 44:56 | 54:46 |
Rylee | — | — | — | — | — | 60:40 | 63:38 | 54:46 | 28:72 | 26:74 |
Rylie | — | — | — | — | 0:100 | 100:0 | 74:26 | 71:29 | 37:63 | 23:77 |
Sam | 100:0 | 97:3 | 98:2 | 98:2 | 98:2 | 98:2 | 98:2 | 100:0 | 100:0 | 99:1 |
Sammy | 100:0 | — | 38:62 | 33:67 | 43:57 | 50:50 | 57:43 | 82:18 | 90:10 | 100:0 |
Stevie | 75:25 | 73:27 | 50:50 | 39:61 | 23:77 | 46:54 | 38:62 | 41:59 | 26:74 | 14:86 |
Sunny | — | — | 50:50 | 33:67 | 100:0 | 50:50 | 55:45 | 47:53 | 46:54 | 48:52 |
Taylor | 100:0 | 100:0 | 59:41 | 46:54 | 38:62 | 44:56 | 52:48 | 50:50 | 49:51 | 53:47 |
Tyler | 100:0 | 100:0 | 78:22 | 69:31 | 68:32 | 84:16 | 92:8 | 98:2 | 99:1 | 98:2 |
Wai | 52:48 | 62:38 | 58:42 | 82:18 | 38:62 | 33:67 | 100:0 | 50:50 | — | — |
There are some interesting swings in gender. Brooklyn was completely feminine until presumably the birth of Brooklyn Beckham encouraged parents from 2000 to use the name for boys also. Dara was a feminine Eastern European import for girls but then switched male as Gaelic Darragh / Dara was reclaimed.
And even though there were more girls than boys named Quinn from 1974-2022, the breakdown above shows how it was very much masculine for a long time until recently.
The infographics I compiled last year are worth another look as these are based on percentages for the whole period of 1974-2021 and give an overview of which gender each name fell into overall.
There is also the comparison to how these names break down in England and Wales. It isn't a direct comparison, as we only have complete data in E&W from 1996. Names underlined are ones that are in a different section to Scotland.