Last Tuesday (6th October) marked the death Alfred, Lord Tennyson, one of Britain's greatest and highly renowned poets.
The Charge of the Light Brigade, The Lady of Shalott and Idylls of the Kingare just three of his most famous works, and several phrases which are now common in the English language can be attributed to him. He is, in fact, the ninth most frequently quoted writer in The Oxford Dictionary of Quotations.
He was made a baron in 1884 by Queen Victoria -- the first person to be elevated to the Peerage for great contribution to literature. His time as Poet Laureate (1850 - 1892) still stands as the longest tenure recorded. #
Several given names were used simply on their own as the titles of his poems:
Demeter and Persephone
Minnie and Winnie
The following names appear in the works of Alfred, Lord Tennyson:
Abdiel Abel Absalom Achilles Acrisius Adam Æsop Akbar Albert Aldred Alfgar Alfred Alfwig Allan Ally (Alfred) Alphege Ambrosius Amphion Amurath Anakim Andrew Anselm Anton Antonius Antony Apicus Apollo Arabi Arac Ares Arthur Arviragus Asaph Asmodeus Athelstan Augustine Aurelian Aurelius Austin Averill Aylmer Azrael Bacchus Balan Balin Bedivere Bel Benedict Blaise Bleys Bors Brandagoras Brastias Brendan Cadmus Caesar Cain Calixtus |
Carados Carlos Cássivëlaún Cato Charles Charlie Clariance Claudias Constantinus Cyril Cyrus Dagonet Damon Danny David Denis Dick Dickon Dives Dubric Dunstan Edgar Edmund Edward Edwin Edyrn Egbert Emrys Enoch Esaïas Esau Ethelred Eustace Everard Ferdinand Finn Florio Francis Gabriel Galahad Gamel Ganymede Gareth Garlon Gawain Geoffrey George Geraint Gideon Gilbert Godwin Gorlois Gregory Griffyth Guy Gwydion Harold Harry |
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Adeline Agatha Aglaïa Agrippina Alcestis Aldwyth Alexandra Alice Amy Anne Annie Aphrodite Artemis Aspasia Athene Bellicent Bess Bessy Blanche Boadicea Calliope Camilla Camma Caroline Cassandra Cassiopeia Catharine Catherine Cecily Clara Clare Clarence Claribel Clelia Clio Corinna Cornelia Daisy Danaë Diana Dido Diotima Dirce Dora Edith Effie Elaine Eleanor Eleänore Elisabetta Elizabeth Ellen Emelia Emma Emmie Enid Esther Ettarre |
Europa Eva Eve Evelyn Flora Flur Fulvia Giovanna Godiva Guinevere Hannie Hebe Helen Here Hesper Hetty Hortensia Ida Iris Isabel Isis Isolt Jael Jane Jenny Jinny Joan Judith Juliet Juno Kapiolani Kate Katie Lais Letty Lilia Lilian Lucilia Lucy Lynette Lyonors Madeline Magdalen Magee Margaret Margery Maria Marian Marie Mary Matilda Maud Meg Melissa Melpomene Milly Minnie Miriam |
Mizpeh Mnemosynê Moll Molly Muriel Nelly Niobe Nox Œnone Olive Olivia Oriana Palmyrene Peelè Persephone Phoebe Phryne Proserpine Psyche Rachel Rhodope Rosalind Rosamund Rose Ruth Sally Thalia Theodolind Tib Titania Tomyris Urania Vashti Venus Victoria Violet Vivien Winnie Ygerne |
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